A spoiled monkey child who won’t stop begging for milk and his mom’s love triangle drama.

Today, we have a special treat for you: a spoiled monkey child who won’t stop begging for milk and his mom’s love triangle drama.

Meet Sweet Pea, a two-year-old male monkey who is the son of PopEye, the alpha female of the group. Sweet Pea is a very clingy and demanding child who still relies on his mom’s milk for nourishment. He is so spoiled that he refuses to eat any solid food or learn to fend for himself. He constantly chases his mom and points to her nipples, hoping to get a sip of milk. But PopEye is not in the mood to nurse him. She has other things on her mind.

PopEye is the leader of the group and the mate of Brotus JR, the alpha male. She is very protective of her status and her partner. She does not tolerate any other female monkey getting close to Brotus JR. But recently, she noticed that a young and attractive female monkey named Lola has been grooming Brotus JR and flirting with him. PopEye is furious and jealous. She wants to get rid of Lola and reclaim Brotus JR’s attention.

But there is a problem. Sweet peas are always in the way. He keeps screaming and begging for milk, making a lot of noise and drawing attention. PopEye is annoyed by his behaviour and tries to push him away. She even fights him and bites him to make him stop. But Sweet Pea is stubborn and persistent. He does not give up easily. He keeps coming back and trying to get some milk. He thinks that if he screams long enough, his mom will give in. He also tries to block his mom’s movement and make her sit still, so he has more chances to get what he wants. He is very smart, but also very spoiled.

PopEye is in a dilemma. She wants to get rid of Sweet Pea and focus on Brotus JR, but she also loves her son and does not want to hurt him too much. She has to balance her maternal instincts and her romantic desires. She has to deal with her spoiled monkey child and her love triangle drama.

PopEye will never be able to wean Sweet Pea. But she will be able to keep Brotus JR away from Lola and maintain her dominance. Thank you for watching, and see you next time.

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