Dolly is a spoiled and cunning monkey. She knows that she has the power and privilege to do whatever she wants with the troop ( Watch Video…)

Dolly is a spoiled and cunning monkey. She knows that she has the power and privilege to do whatever she wants with the troop. She often bullies and harasses the lower-ranking monkeys, especially the mothers and their babies.

One day, she spotted Jill, a low-ranking monkey mom, nursing her baby, Brotus JR. Dolly decided to kidnap Brotus JR and use him as a bargaining chip to get food from the human visitors. She quickly approached Jill and snatched Brotus JR from her arms. Jill was shocked and terrified. She tried to chase Dolly and get her baby back, but she was too weak and scared to confront Dolly.

Brotus JR was also frightened and confused. He screamed and cried for his mom, but Dolly ignored him. She held him tightly and ran away from Jill. She looked around for any humans who might give her food in exchange for the baby.

Meanwhile, Amari, an old and wise monkey mom, saw what Dolly did. She felt sorry for Jill and Brotus Jr. She decided to help them and rescue the baby from Dolly. She followed Dolly and tried to snatch Brotus Jr. from her. But Dolly was too fast and agile for Amari. She dodged Amari’s attempts and kept running.

Finally, Dolly found a human who was holding a mango. She ran towards him and showed him Brotus JR. She hoped that he would give her the mango if she gave him the baby. The human was surprised and amused by Dolly’s behavior. He decided to play along and gave her the mango. Dolly was overjoyed. She took the mango and dropped Brotus JR on the ground. She ran away to enjoy her mango.

Brotus JR was relieved and happy. He saw his mom and Amari running towards him. He ran to them and hugged them. Jill and Amari were also glad that Brotus JR was safe and sound. They thanked the human for his kindness and generosity. They took Brotus Jr. and left the scene.

Dolly, on the other hand, was satisfied and proud. She ate her mango and felt no remorse or guilt for what she did. She thought she was smart and clever. She didn’t care about the feelings or well-being of the other monkeys. She only cared about herself and her desires.

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